Friday, January 3, 2014

Working out with a snow shovel...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
When I looked out my picture window to the winter wonderland beyond, I had little doubt what I’d be doing for my first workout of the New Year.  I bundled loosely, but covered all exposed skin because I knew I’d be sweating shortly.  I began pushing snow in my driveway, working the apron first where Highland Heights finest had pushed most of the snow from the street.  Being on the curve of the road automatically means you get more snow in the bottom of your driveway, which is only a problem if you don’t consider snow removal an extreme workout.

Over the next two hours, I removed snow from my double drive and the driveways and sidewalks of my two neighbors.  I was already out and I knew they’d been drinking the night before and would be in no condition to shovel for several days.  It was a great way to add to my workout and I knew I’d get extra Christmas cookies as part of the deal.  I’d be needing them.
Snow continued to fall throughout the day and I used that as my only workout.  I felt somewhat guilty for never climbing on the trainer, but not guilty enough to do it.  I again pounded too many hollow calories as there remained certain Christmas treats in the house.  To make matters worse, Holly offered to make chocolate, peanut-butter pudding and I didn’t discourage her.

Tomorrow will be different.  It’ll be a work day; I’ll have more snow and do a regular workout of some kind.
Snow removal:  Two hours and 30 minutes. 
Training Heart Rate:  80-120 bpm.
Calories burned during workout:  1050.

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