Sunday – eight days ago: I’d climbed into my tent the previous evening as a slight rain was falling. This forced me to pull the rain fly over the tent knowing that again, I would miss the opportunity to see a North Country big sky. I turned on my head lamp, picked up a copy of Pat Conroy’s ‘The Lords of Discipline’ and read for an hour before falling asleep.
It had cleared overnight and as I packed my tent for the trip home, I imagined I might catch some good pictures along the way. I made my way to the Noon Mark for one final meal for 2014 before driving north to the spot of my favorite crumbling red barn in a field just off SR 73. With a frost on the ground and an early morning mist rising off the meadow, mountains flushed in autumn colors in the background, it provided an excellent photo opportunity.
I drove home through the mountains making numerous stops to photograph beautiful lakes and streams. I made Utica around 10:30 and was home by 4 p.m.
It was a short, hurried trip and yet seemed to accomplish all its goals. I’d had time alone to think about my next move in my personal life while getting some great time with my cousin and a chance to discover two more scenic, lightly used trails. It was family dinner night and thankfully the girls had put it together and all I had to do was eat. I’m hoping in the coming weeks that side jobs after work will settle down and I can again get into some pattern of exercise. I’ve gone a summer riding only 5 times, which is an all-time low for me…ever. Though I’ve maintained fitness from the physical nature of my work, I still miss the pump and buzz of doing a tough workout. Once all the leaves have fallen and been raked into the woods or the curb, storms put in and water turned off, I should be good to go.
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