Thursday, June 9, 2016

No workout...

Thursday, June 09, 2016
Though another very active, busy day, it was again one without a formal workout.  On the 24th of this month, I will be asking my body to climb some reasonably steep peak in the Adirondacks and I have a feeling it is going to say, ‘you screwed up!  You should have done more training.’  Well…oh well…I’ll hurt the next day and then climb something else until the pain subsides.

I did buy some new shoes.  I picked up my first pair of Merrill hiking, low-cut shoes and they do have vibrum soles.  I’ve been breaking them in around the farm and the heel is feeling pretty good.  The true test, of course, is always descending on steep rock face and whether or not they stay in contact with the rock…or my butt does when they’ve slipped. 

I met up with Todd Miller, my riding buddy from my trip to New York to visit my grandparents just after we graduated from high school in 1973 and again on Tour Ohio two years ago.  Both trips were around 1,100 miles of riding.  He is always in peak form.

“Rode about 3,000 miles so far this year, John.  How much have you done?””
“Let me see if I can add it up…hmm…I’d say 90-91 miles,” I replied.  He was judging me.

“You need to get your ass in gear,” he said.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.  The side jobs are eating up time, but you’ve heard that excuse before…and it sucks.  As soon as I finish painting Henry’s condo, I think I’ll be able to turn that around.  This weekend should be the big push to finish it off. 
Bonus: 11,000 steps  

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