Monday, September 25, 2017

On the bike...

Friday, September 22, 2017
The heat wave continued and I managed to suffer openly and for everyone to hear.  I still had some roof work to perform, but it was manageable.  I hydrated throughout the day, but never felt like it was enough.  My hips, after yesterday’s pack hike, were doing well, but I was not going to go two days in a row with the pack and re-injure them.  I got home to the air conditioning and almost succumbed to doing nothing.  That would have sucked.

I put on my cycling gear, filled both water bottles, and headed out.  There are many hills out of the valley and I take care to avoid them.  Narrow shoulders, hairpin turns, steep inclines all make them hazardous.  There is one straight shot – Major Road – so I climbed up and out on it.  The ride went on for two hours, but the terrain is not nearly as challenging as it was when I headed east into farm country from Highland Heights.  The valley is surrounded by urban areas and it makes getting to the open country tougher.  I will miss my old riding routes.
Bike: Two hours.
Training Heart Rate:  120 bpm.
Calories burned: 1,500.
Bonus:  23,800 steps.

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