Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kids still dig 'The Beatles'

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I began to execute the new plan. I’m calling it ‘Bother people until they tell you to go away…and then bother them some more’ or something like that…I don’t know. Anyway, Jack and I drove down to see Jason in Kent. He made us a spaghetti dinner and we watched four episodes of ’30 Rock’. I hadn’t been to his place in over a month…he’s always coming to see us on Sundays so I never make the effort, but I’m glad I went. He lives alone with a couple of goofy dogs and really enjoyed the opportunity for some light, intellectual conversation and the chance to show off all he’d done around the house since my last visit.

I also got the chance to ride to and from with Jack and hear about his new obsession with the Beatles as we listened to the CD he’d burned. He was fortunate enough to have been riding with someone who’d stationed himself in front of a TV set to watch the Beatles appear on the Ed Sullivan show for America’s first glimpse of the musical phenomenon back in 1964. I’m guessing anyone who’s in their 50’s today was also watching that show. I don’t know what percentage of sets was tuned in to the broadcast, but I’m guessing it was a record breaker that will stand for all time. My father, and most of his generation, hated the Beatles…and all rock and roll for that matter…and I think it’s interesting that almost fifty years later, my 16-year old is enjoying the same music I grew up on. What happened? Was my dad’s music that crappy that we didn’t even consider it? Is rock and roll that good that it will continue to be appreciated for another 50 years? These are the things that keep me awake at night.

My third straight day of running was another unpleasant experience. I was still experiencing the abdominal soreness I relate to running too many miles…but why let that stop me? I had just enough time to run 40 minutes, so that’s what I did. I selected the flat course I sometimes run along the river in the South Chagrin Reservation and I’m glad I did. The first half went well, but on the way back, I noticed the fatigue building in my hips and I felt like I was really dragging. Thankfully, the weather was perfect and the scenery beautiful. I suppose I’ll feel this way for the rest of the week, but with a couple of rides over the weekend and one day off, should be back to my old self soon.

Run duration: 40 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 140 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 650.

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