Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Driving home with no chance for a workout...bummer.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

And now another great disadvantage to not having hiked in to a campsite…I’d have no workout on the day we were leaving from a hike back out. We packed the car and were on the road by 8 a.m. for the nine-hour drive home. I was feeling a strong urge to do something but I’d just have to live with it. I knew Holly would have dinner waiting…it was family night at our place…and there would be no opportunity to work out. I suppose that was a good thing. I’d been pushing myself pretty hard for the last seven days and the cold that had struck me down a week earlier during my kayak training still had a death grip on me.

We made it home by six and after emptying and spreading out all my wet gear, sat down to a delicious chili dinner. I was pretty tired and after downloading all the photos I’d taken on the trip, headed off to bed. I had hopes that I’d feel better in the morning and since I had a lot of catching up to do at work…and that would be a good thing. I felt the emptiness that comes at the conclusion of each summer…my last camping trip gives me the same feeling I used to get as a school child when I know vacation is over and I must return to the books. It had been an amazing last few months, with the changes in my diet and the new workout making a substantial difference in my ability to climb and hike. I know I’ll need to be diligent this fall and winter to be certain that I maintain what I’ve achieved and move into next spring prepared to knock the final pounds off and reach the fitness goals I set for myself eighteen months ago.

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