Monday, August 27, 2012

Looking foolish...with style.

Friday, August 24, 2012
I was in the middle of the Survival Workout and by the cabins, which are now being disassembled after years of non-use.  I enter one with nothing but a floor, roof and the stud walls to support it.  I decided if I hooked my feet on the window frame ledge, I could use the perch to do a set of plank push-ups.  Seemed like a good idea at the moment and so I hooked my feet on the ledge and started doing push-ups.  When I reached my final push, I began to remove my feet from the ledge when I discovered only one was responding.  I twisted my left foot again, but the laces of the shoe were hooked on something on the window ledge…I was trapped.  I had one foot free and my hands were still on the ground supporting me, but I was getting tired and I’d already done 50 push-ups.  I twisted to my left and reached back with my left hand, supporting my body with my right and trying to reach the shoe.  That wasn’t working, either.  I must have looked rather stupid, but no one was around to laugh…or offer help.  I reached back again and managed to untie the shoe, but couldn’t get my foot out.  I figured if all else failed, I could wrip the shoe loose with a good tug, bu that would likely tear the top of the shoe…something I didn’t want to do.  I kept wiggling and twisting…and sweating…and when I was about to give up and just yank my leg, it came free and I fell to the ground.

Nothing hurt but my ego, which for me is really hard to damage.  I completed the workout without further incident and included a couple of sets of pull-ups, trying to work some exercises back in that involve the elbow.  I was extremely tired at the completion of the workout, which was bad since I still needed to drive the Jeep out to leave with Dan and would have to ride the bike home from there.  As I drove out, I decided I’d take a more direct route than I’d been planning, which would be a 20-mile ride instead of 30.  It’s been awhile since I’ve taken any time off and I think I’m going to need a break soon.  The Adirondacks are coming in a week and I’m still trying to be in the best shape I can be for that, but I need to stay injury-free as well.  I figured tomorrow would be another double since I was meeting John to do a bleacher workout in the morning and would probably be riding back out to Dan’s to retrieve the Jeep.  Sunday’s the day the Lord rested…I suppose I could too.

Survival Workout: 60 minutes.  Bike Duration: 65 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100-150 for SW and 120 biking.
Calories burned during workout: 600 for SW and 925 biking.

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