Monday, August 4, 2014

Nearly normal workout...

Thursday, July 31, 2014
I decided to stop pampering myself and give a full Survival Workout a shot.  My last effort had been cut short when anything I did with core muscles caused pain in the abdomen.  I had a feeling it would go better though, but only a few good crunches would tell the tale.
I managed 80 push-ups to start the workout, which was encouraging and when I dropped to the ground to do my first core set and passed ten reps, I knew it would be alright.  I stopped at fifty and moved to my pull-ups, which also went pain-free.
Though I skipped some lower body jumps, the workout went extremely well.  I was even able to climb the swing set, which uses plenty of core strength, without pain.  In all, I managed 19 sets and felt rather good about myself.  That’s not to say I didn’t have some pain in the abdomen and a need to pee three times during the workout, but so what?  It was a very good recovery day.
Survival Workout: 60 minutes. 
Training Heart Rate: 100-150 bpm.

Calories Burned: 600.

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