It was time to get back to working out after two days of driving and eating, basically. I headed for the park and a Survival Workout, though I had some concerns about the returning pain, albeit slight, in my right elbow. The cortisone had done its job and relieved the immediate symptoms and I had lain off the exercises that I believed had triggered the issue, but clearly something’s wrong there and I’ll likely be returning to see Nilesh about it soon. For now, I’ll continue to do the workout without the exercises they give me the greatest trouble.
I attacked the workout with renewed vigor, completing 21 different sets before I finished. The last three had me trembling with fatigue and drenched in sweat. I’d been thinking about a run or some time in the bleachers, but neither seemed like a good option as I dropped into the Honda, exhausted. I drove home and made a large smoothie instead.
I spoke to John again and he’s making some progress. I suggested that I line up Jennifer Aniston as a climbing buddy back-up in case he couldn’t make it. He thought I should line her up regardless.
“She’s going to dig the abrasions on my back and the color of my butt,” he said.
“If she agrees to come, she won’t be seeing anything of you because I’ll leave without you,” I said.
I’m actually pretty sure she wouldn’t be digging either one of us. Maybe Lance could come, though.
Survival Workout: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100-150.
Calories burned: 600.
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