Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Too much of a good thing?

Friday, April 22, 2011

I have approached the Paleo diet with some vigor…maybe too much. I came home from work and rode the trainer for an hour and then put together a dinner of sautéed broccoli, onions and mushrooms and a spinach salad with sunflower seeds sprinkled generously on top. While waiting for everything to be ready, I had a banana, some raw broccoli and a handful of almonds. After eating everything, I hurried off to Good Friday services with Holly.

On the ride to the church, my stomach began to churn. Holly noticed and asked me if I was okay. “I’ve got a stomach ache and feel kind of gassy,” I said. She gave me that ‘TMI’ (too much information) look and said maybe I was changing my diet too drastically. She may be right. I tend to do things to extremes and everything I’m eating would, on the surface, appear to be great for me…but maybe too much of a good thing – and all that.

I sat on a sofa instead of going in for the service and just tried to let things settle down. Although Good Friday is a time for Christians to experience mild forms of discomfort in the form of skipping meals, not speaking or avoiding meat, I didn’t think anyone needed to be sharing the result of my discomfort…something they’d have trouble missing if they were sitting anywhere nearby.

We stopped at Holly’s parents and did some Easter bunny shopping after church and eventually my stomach quieted down. Roughage can be rough, but like all my training, I’ll just keep pushing it hard until something breaks. I don’t seem to know any other way…

Bike duration: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 130 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 900.

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