Wednesday, June 6, 2012
It’s June 6th again and now 68 years since the Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy. I cannot help but reflect each year on the bravery of the men that hit those beaches against the terrible, devastating weaponry of the Third Reich. I dread to think what is was like to be alone with ones thoughts in one of the thousands of landing craft, bucking and swaying in the rough waters of the English Channel, losing their stomachs to their nerves and the waves, knowing that shortly the ramp to the landing craft will drop and any protection they’d been offered from the peppering of machine guns and other murderous fire would have ended. They had to be wondering how they could possibly cross those open beaches in one piece...I know I would have been. And yet...they did. They charged into hostile fire and looked for some way to engage their tormentors. They ran and ducked and fired...and watched their buddies being riddled and ripped to gory shreds before their very eyes...and continued on. The fear must have been numbing, but the training and will to survive so strong, that they persevered...some to this day. God bless them all...and the freedom they preserved from a madman they never knew. I know I appreciate their efforts.
I hit the trail for another tough Survival Workout and was planning to follow it with a bike, but the combination of walking the trail for the workout and the early morning walk left me pretty sore and I decided I’d hold off and try one final long one on Thursday. I know I’m not making it any’s just a matter of loose cartilage flapping around in my knee and causing the pain and irritation...but I am getting to the point where I’d rather sit and have it feel reasonably okay than ride and have it hurt on every stroke. I’m getting old and soft, I suppose.
Survival Workout: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100-150.
Calories burned: 600.
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