Thursday, March 17, 2016

Log lifting...

Wednesday, March 16, 2016
I’d contacted my friend Dan who heats his house with wood about picking up the tree we’d taken down at the farm.  He wanted it of course, but couldn’t get out until early next week.  This simply wouldn’t do because I’d have to look at it each day and that would make me crazy.  I jumped in the pick-up truck and backed up to the cut up sections.  I wrestled in the ones I was sure I could lift and then began on the marginal ones.  They were muddy and slippery and like a hundred pounds or more.  I bent, grabbed, hoisted, struggled, and finally pushed them onto the tailgate to be rolled in.  I had trouble even standing the final two pieces up, so they stayed in the grass.

Covered in mud, I drove to Dan’s place and dropped them off.  Once back at the farm and since I was already covered in mud, I dug my final post hole for the bluebird houses.  My muscles were aching and if that had been all I did for the day, it would have been a good workout day.  It wasn’t all, though.

I drove to the North Chagrin Reservation and began by doing 81 push-ups.  I hope to make it back to 100 by my birthday, which leaves me only four weeks.  I’ll make it if I do the workout consistently.  My back was sore from lifting the logs and I took some precaution in my back exercises, but otherwise the workout went extremely well and left me exhausted, but with over 13,000 steps.  It had become a most excellent conditioning day.

Survival Workout: 60 minutes
Training Heart Rate: 100-150 bpm.
Calories Burned:  600
Bonus:  13,100 steps

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