Saturday, March 12, 2016

Preparing for some serious pooping...

Friday, March 11, 2016
I had a good day of hiking around the farm and from there, drove to the park for my Survival Workout.  Normally I would have left the phone in the car, but I needed it bouncing along in my pocket to record the steps I would take.
It was a tough workout.  I managed 20 different stations and moved quickly between them to maximize the effort.  My push-ups are down, hitting only 78 on the first set, but up from the 70 I was able to do earlier in the week.  Once I hit my stride again and find myself doing the workout three times a week, I’ll probably work my way back to 100 in as little as four weeks…just in time for my 61st birthday fitness challenge.
I climbed into the car and found that my steps were over 13,000.  Interestingly, my heel was not hurting with each step, which must be a tribute to the constant icing and the night splint I’ve been wearing to stretch out the calf muscle.
Tomorrow would be the beginning of three days of cleansing I would be doing to prepare for my second colonoscopy in three months.  The doc had found a precancerous polyp on the last test and since it hadn’t been a ‘clean’ look, he wanted to do another.  I’ll be taking three different kinds of laxatives over the next three days, which should easily get all the shit out of me.  Since I was going on liquid food Saturday and only clear liquids on Sunday, I decided I deserved something special.  I put together some rice pudding and stuck it in the oven for the 90-minute bake time and sat down to watch a movie while icing and splinting my heel.  I hate to wait for food, by when it came out of the oven and I had a cup, I decided it was worth it.  I had another couple of spoonfuls before going to bed…the end of solid food until Monday afternoon.
Survival Workout: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100-150 bpm.
Calories Burned: 600.

Bonus: 13,500 steps for the day.

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