Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A new 'man crush'

Monday, January 31, 2011

Maybe I just have a man crush on Matt Damon, but every time I see one of his movies, I think he’s a tremendous actor with a lot of range. I watched ‘Invictus', over the weekend and then ‘The Good Shepherd’ last night. Completely different roles and he was fantastically believable in them both. John and I are constantly arguing about movies and today’s best actor…I’ve gone with Tom Hanks and he’s a Sean Penn fan, but I’m starting to think Matt Damon (Leonardo and Denzel are pretty awesome, too) is right there.

I went to the Metropark to do a run thinking I’d go around 35 minutes. The forecast is for terrible weather over the next couple of days, so I wanted to get a run in before the trails are buried and running becomes problematic. I had been thinking I should only run every third day and give the calf the chance to completely heal, but…oh well.

The trails were difficult for running, but the workout is heightened as a result. I did 39 minutes, but my body felt like I’d gone an hour. I don’t cover nearly as much trail in the same amount of time, but the effort, as measured by my training heart rate, is higher than when the trails are clear.

I returned home with the thought that I’d put in some bike time, but I was so whipped from the run that I decided to call it a workout day. Lazy…or smart? I’m going with smart.

Run duration: 39 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 140.
Calories burned during workout: 650.

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