Sunday, November 6, 2011

Heading for Columbus...

Friday, November 4, 2011
I did a Survival Workout and headed home to pack the car for a trip to Columbus and the Ohio High School Cross Country State Championships.  John and his son Henry would be joining me for a campout the night before at Alum Creek State Park and dinner with Savannah.  They arrived and we loaded tents, sleeping bags and other camping essentials along with a 1989 copy of the Baseball Encyclopedia…an almost 3,000 page volume of Major League baseball stats from the beginning of organized ball.  It helps spur…and sometimes settle…the arguments John and I get into over who did what, when.

We arrived at the house Savannah shares with…I think…5 other girls and some messy livestock.  She directed us to the Rusty Bucket for dinner…I wanted Bob Evan’s…where the wait was 40 minutes.  “Fuhget about it,” I said with my perfect gangster accent.  Waiting has never been my strong suit.  “I think there’s a Bob Evan’s over by the Target where we took you grocery shopping once…isn’t there?”

“Nah…don’t remember ever seeing one there,” Savannah said while she was googling Bob Evans restaurants.  We drove that way anyways…and there it was.  I kind of remember the important land marks in any town.  I had blueberry pancakes for no particular reason other than I wanted them.  I have a real problem sticking with the Paleo Diet when I’m traveling, it seems.  We ate, dropped Savannah off and didn’t arrive at the camp ground until around 10 p.m.  With head lamps on, we pitched the tents and then walked around the camp ground enjoying the clear, star-studded skies, a shooting star and with only the light of a brilliant moon to guide our steps.  Camping out always beats sleeping in.

Survival Workout duration: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100 to 150 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 600.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things I like about Columbus that some people refer to as "bland" is that so much of the city is newer. Global Visas provide the most comprehensive visa and immigration advice available online. I love historic areas and old buildings, and even some grit, but so often in so many cities those areas are also not well cared for and appear to be extremely dated/blighted. Columbus has some blight, but the overall feeling of the city is fresh to me, and that makes it feel like it is progressing forward more than many other places.
