Friday, November 25, 2011

Naming all 50 states in 6 minutes...

Wednesday, November 22, 2011
The knee was no better as I began the Survival Workout with 72 push-ups.  I hobbled down the trail wondering how long I’d be able to keep it up and was ready to turn back at my third station when I asked myself again ‘what would Lance do?”  I kept going.  When I hit Clear Creek and found the water up about 3 feet it was my signal that I should turn around.  I would normally do some sets beyond the creek, so I worked them in on the now shortened return trip, meaning I had less recovery time and found that I wasn’t doing as many be expected.   When I reached the car, my knee was extremely sore and I was glad the creek had been high and forced me to shorten the course.   With a big calorie day on the horizon, I hated cutting anything from the workout, but it was out of my hands.

Savannah, Holly and I sat down for a Thanksgiving episode of ‘Friends’ later that evening.  They were sitting in the apartment and doing the ‘write all 50 states in 6 minutes’ challenge, so Savannah went and got some paper so we could do it, too.  We all achieved 48 and struggled on until I picked up my 49th and called the game.  It’s an interesting challenge.

Survival Workout duration: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100 to 150 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 600.

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