Friday, December 23, 2011

Just when you think you've heard it all...Feederism.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
It’s truly a wacky world out there and I shouldn’t be surprised at anything I read...but this time I was.  The PD reported on a woman who is paid by folks who want to watch her eat.  A man from Germany sent her a credit card so she could buy pizzas and Chinese food because he was excited to know that he had helped feed a 600-pound woman.  Seriously?  This excited him?

The Akron native is a 44-year old mother of two and had a web site where men could pay $19 a month to watch her eat.  She was part of a group that calls its addiction ‘feederism’.  Wikipedia describes it as sexual relationships where both members obtain gratification from the gaining of body fat. Feederism refers to the acts of feeding, encouraging eating, or being served large quantities of food. Sexual pleasure is derived from the act of eating itself, and/or from the process of becoming fatter.

One client in California sent her $200 a week for about 6 weeks and would call her to hear what foods she had purchased and eaten.  He became angry when she told him she was done with this fantasy world and was stopping, though. 

I’m trying to decide who’s sicker...her or the people paying her.   I suppose it doesn’t really matter.  They’re both whacked and I’ve learned that there is absolutely nothing that people won’t do for money...or kicks.

I decided to try running again since I had limited time before a dinner date.  I started out hoping to match the 21-minute run I’d done two days earlier, but moved past that without pain and decided to shoot for 30.  It went well, though my feet were soggy and covered in mud as the season of record rain continued.  I understand we’re now around 64 inches, crushing the previous best of 53...oh happy day.

I was standing, wrapping a present when I was hit by my worst dizzy spell.  I suppose I’ve been in a bit of denial.  I’ve been suffering from extreme neck and should pain to go along with the dizziness over the past two weeks constantly thinking that it would just go away.  I sat down feeling nauseous and when it didn’t pass and I was sure I was about to black out, I laid down on the floor.  I began to sweat like I’d just run 5 miles and the nausea and spinning were getting worse.  Guests were arriving in 10 minutes and we were going out to dinner...something Holly was looking forward to and I didn’t want to blow...but I knew this was serious.  I laid there for 5 minutes...Holly was upstairs changing and had no idea...when the nausea began to subside and the spinning subsided.  I decided to skip the emergency room for now and try to get through the night, but determined that if it happened again...I’d go.

Run Duration: 31 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 140.
Calories burned:  550.

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