Friday, January 28, 2011

I made a typo?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It was not a good day. I’ve been struggling with headaches over the past several months…something that starts in the back of the head and at the top of my neck. I could see a doctor, but that would be the smart thing to do. Instead, I take some Advil and wait for it to go away.

Well…I took the Advil and headed for the bike. I needed to get something short in and with the way I was feeling, short was good. I managed 30 minutes and called it a workout. Holly had gone to Kent to nurse Heidi, who was suffering through the flu, back to health, so there was no point in whining or lying around looking for sympathy…not that she’d have given me any. Still…I lay around pretty well, so I plugged in a movie and waited for the Advil to do its thing.

I went to my email and saw I had a comment on one of my postings…which I find rather exciting. I was struck by the fact that it was made on my posting from July 8, 2010…and it was about a spelling mistake! I’d written that I was ‘humping’ down the road…in my car…instead of humming. I suppose that was rather inappropriate and went back and fixed it. It got me to thinking though…why was the person reading a posting from July 8th of last year in January when it occurred to me…they probably enjoyed my writing so much that they were going through for a second or third time! Sure…that’s the ticket…

Bike duration: 30 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 130 biking.
Calories burned during workout: 450 biking.

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