Tuesday, January 4, 2011

There's no defense against peanut butter cookies...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holly and I made our way to the continental breakfast with about 10 minutes to spare. For me…this is no problem. I can load a plate with food with the speed and accuracy that defies logic. I had eggs, bacon, English muffins and yogurt loaded with fruit. We spent some time just sitting, drinking coffee and talking, which gave me some time to start considering my New Year’s resolution. I’m still working on it, but I’ll have it ready in a couple of days.

After checking out of the hotel, we returned home and I found myself in the kitchen cleaning a few of the dishes no one had gotten to that morning. I also did some clean-up of old desserts…starting with the pumpkin pie. To my dismay, it had started molding and I reluctantly pitched it. The apple pie, on the other hand, was still edible…and so I finished it. Now…time to work out. I made my way to the trainer for a 2-episode ‘Lost’ ride, which lasted 83 minutes. I was into the ride about 20 minutes when I started to smell something with peanut butter. I yelled to Holly to stop…and found out she was baking peanut butter cookies and making peanut clusters for Savannah to take back to Ohio State. Savannah wouldn’t be leaving for a few hours and there was no way she was getting out of the house with the entire supply. I’m bigger, stronger, sneakier and more determined. Come to think of it…she’d be lucky to be leaving with any of them.

I finished the ride and deposited my t-shirt, soaking wet from the ride, in the utility sink before heading for the kitchen. There…on a cooling rack…were the peanut butter cookies. I moved quickly to the refrigerator and poured a tall, cold glass of skim milk. Three cookies later, I was headed for my shower, lamenting that I’d put back so many calories before cleaning up from the workout. Where’s the will power? It’s out there…I think somewhere in January and only after Holly stops baking, Christmas treats stop arriving, and I’ve eaten everything in the frig that even vaguely resembles a hollow calorie and isn’t growing green, furry stuff on it.

Bike duration: 83 minutes
Training Heart Rate: 130
Calories burned during workout: 1245.

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