Monday, June 20, 2011

Saying 'NO' when it counts...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Just because I’m limping all day does not mean I shouldn’t do my Survival Workout…so I did. I’m forced to leave out the many things I do that involve the lower body…jumping over picnic tables, climbing steep hills, high skips, running and sprinting…but there is still plenty I can do for the upper body and I find myself working it even harder since I am so limited in what I can do. Since I have spread my different workout stations out so that I’d have a bit of a run between them, now that I’m stuck walking…or rather limping…its taking considerably longer to complete the workout. It’s time in the woods though, which is always better than time anywhere else.

We had some overnight guests from Chicago and Holly made spaghetti. I went heavy on the salad, but I did have some of the non-Paleo noodles. For dessert, I’d brought home some Breyer’s All Natural Vanilla with Bean Specks…my favorite…just to torture myself. It worked to perfection and being worthless and weak at times, I had a couple of spoonfuls while dishing it up…but that was all. I think I’ve gotten over my ice cream craving by drinking the smoothies. I tell myself they’re milk shakes…and they taste almost as good…and that seems to be doing the trick. Now that I can’t do the aerobic exercise I’d like to do, I’m afraid to get back on the scale. I really have to watch the intake since there is no going back now.

Survival Workout duration: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100 to 150 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 600

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