Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Another day on the water...

Sunday, November 18, 2012
I’ve been in a bit of a ‘bad eating’ rut, but that is about to change.  I’ve decided to dedicate myself to trimming down through the holidays...a time when I’d normally do the opposite.  I love Thanksgiving dinner, particularly the turkey, but I’ve never been too shy about the trimmings either.  This year...heavy on the turkey (and maybe sweet potatoes) and light on the rest. 

Heidi was home for the weekend and both she and my sister had seen the pictures I’d posted of the eagles and wanted to go kayaking to see if we could spot them again.  Though not as much of a workout as cycling might have been on this warm fall day, I didn’t want to pass up any opportunity to share time on the water with family...so out we went. 

Spotting eagles is certainly luck to some degree.  It helps if they’re nesting nearby, but they have quite a range and their eyesight is legendary, so if they see you coming and don’t feel like being photographed there is little you’re going to do about it.  This would prove to be one of those days.

We paddled for about 30 minutes with me up front and scanning the treetops with my binoculars for any abnormally large objects perched at the water’s edge.  They were behind and gabbing the entire time, not even considering that stealth might be a superior approach to eagle photography.  Actually, I don’t think eagles hear particularly well, but they weren’t even looking up.  I guess they either didn’t really care (they’re just birds) or were counting on me to sound the alarm.  I stayed away from the nest, not wanting to put undue stress on the young couple for fear they would abandon it.  Finally, after almost an hour of paddling, one of the two immature eagles flew overhead.  I snapped a couple of pictures, but the girls were way too slow with their cameras.

We paddled near the shoreline where the camping sites are located and I pointed out the upscale lean-to 50 yards from the shore.  “It has a fireplace inside, a picnic table, running water nearby and is almost completely enclosed so the cold wind won’t be too much of a factor,” I said.

To no one in particular since they didn’t seem the least bit interested.  Like Holly who felt that roughing it was a night at the Marriott, I don’t think they were impressed with the outdoor accommodations..since they were most definitely outdoors.  I, on the other hand, think I will reserve on sometime soon.  I think it would be a peaceful and serene way to spend a weekend particularly since I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping my food away from black bears.  There is obviously great kayaking, but also terrific hiking/running trails and wonderful country roads throughout Amish country to cycle. 

We returned to the put-in point after 90 minutes on the water and it was then that I spotted another large form in an oak towering over the parking lot.  I could walk to the tree and when I trained the camera on it, I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, though I suspect it was an Osprey.  I loaded the kayaks on the Jeep and headed for home where we had a dinner of hot dogs and beans.  That’s it for now.  Healthy eating from here on out.

Kayak Duration: 90 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 80-100 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 750.

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