Friday, November 30, 2012

Trying a fast...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
I tossed throughout the night with an upset stomach, finally nodding off around 4 a.m.  Clearly something is wrong though I don’t know what.  I’ve contacted my sports med doc, but as I expected, he said he doesn’t know much about stomachs.  I’m wondering if it is food related, and decided on a course of action to make a determination.  I’d finished eating the previous evening around 9 p.m. and figured I’d go 24 hours without eating to see what pain I’d experience and at what level.  Since I was reasonably pain-free in the morning and had an empty gut, if the pain returned and I hadn’t eaten anything, I’d know something.

I did drink water throughout the day, but had no interest in eating.  I went to the park following work and ran 35 minutes and without knee pain.  I returned home to the trainer where I added another 40 minutes of cardio.  Holly came home while I was riding and I told her about my fasting plan.  She rolled her eyes.  She’s been bugging me to go to the doctor and probably figures I’m doing this to avoid going.  I’m not really, just hoping to have some solid information from which they can make an educated start to their analysis.  I told her I wouldn’t be joining her for dinner.

Since I was getting hungry and hadn’t slept much the night before, I decided to go to bed early so that I wouldn’t keep thinking about food.  My stomach as feeling much better, so maybe I was onto something.  I figured I might skip breakfast too and shoot for forty hours before having a meal.

Run duration:  35 minutes. Bike duration: 40 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 140 running and 120 bpm biking.
Calories burned during workout: 550 running and 425 biking.

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