Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sorry seems to be the hardest word...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Talk about biting your nose to spite your face.  I can see no other explanation for the way Shena Hardin is treating her actions.  She regularly drove on a sidewalk to avoid waiting for a school bus loading a disabled child.  Her actions were reported to the police and when they staked it out and caught her, she was arrested and charged.

She pleaded guilty, but offered no apologies and showed no remorse for her actions, so the judge decided to try and reach her and help her understand the seriousness of her actions.  She ordered Shena to stand on the corner where she likes to drive on the sidewalk with a sign that said “Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus.”  Yesterday, Shena spent an hour on that street corner with her sign.  She’d also brought along her music, cell phone and cigarettes.  All she lacked was a table and chair and maybe a little coffee service.  Basically, she was saying “f… off!” to the courts, the people she could have injured and kids getting on and off a school bus.  Sorry?  Not in this woman’s vocabulary.

So again I wonder…why will she be driving again in 28 days?  She doesn’t appear to think there is anything wrong with what she has done, which to me means she’ll do it again if she thinks she can get away with it.  She is a menace to society…like a repeat DUI…and should not be allowed to operate a vehicle until she demonstrates she can do it safely.  Maybe I’m nuts and she has rights and this is no big deal…but I don’t think so.  Well, continue on flipping off the world, Shena.  It seems to be working for you and maybe you’re happy.  I can only hope that the worldwide negative publicity you’ve received will somehow sink in and you’ll change your ways.  It really doesn’t look like that will happen anytime soon, though.

I decided to put in a 30-minute run and test the achilles.  It was sore for the first five minutes, but after that was reasonably pain-free.  Maybe, like the elbow, it’s slowly healing.  I love running this time of year because the cooler temperatures make it so pleasant.  I’d be satisfied with a run every third day while filling the rest of my routine with time on the bike – inside or out.  We’ll see how it feels in the morning.

Run Duration:  30 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 140 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 525.

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