Monday, November 5, 2012

Killer Survival Workout...and more leaves.

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Sometimes, I impress myself.  Saturday morning was one of those times.  It was a cold, grey and dreary morning…perfect for sleeping in…but instead, I got up, dressed in my workout gear and drove to the park for a Survival Workout.  Kim had texted me the night before and reminded me that she’d be home soon for the Thanksgiving break and that she wanted to do a workout or two.  I’d been slacking lately…making excuses like my foot and arm hurt all the time…and had let the Survival Workout slip.  Kim’s text was a wakeup call.  I needed to get it in gear.

I started with my reverse-incline push-ups and was surprised to hit 80.  Maybe I wasn’t so bad after all.  I ignored the ache in my elbow and did some pull-ups, too.  I started down the trail and mixed in some high knees, ignoring the advice of my knee doctor to baby my knee for the rest of my life.  I’m hoping that’s a long time and I have to be able to do some hopping and jumping over the next forever.

Kim thinks the picnic table hop is the toughest move...and she’s I did a set thinking I need to be able to do three by the time she arrives.  I karaoked up the hill from the picnic table and by the time I’d reached the top, was beginning to feel the lower body workout.  I met two runners there who were lost and looking exhausted and a little worried.  They needed to get back to their cars and I had bad news for them.  They were still three miles away and with more than a turn or two to handle, might not find it so easily.  I moved on having done the best I could.

By the time I returned to the car, I’d hit 21 different stations and was completely spent...and pumped.  I knew I’d be whipped for the rest of the day, though I still had a yard full of leaves to move, but it was the jump-start I needed.

I didn’t waste any time attacking the leaves.  Rain threatened again and the city pick-up crews were coming through, so I wanted to get every leaf on the tree lawn.  Over the next couple of hours I completed that task, including climbing on the roof and clearing out all the gutters.  I dragged the final pile to the front lawn as a crew with the most powerful vacuum cleaner on wheels started sucking them away.  Get ready, Kim, because we’re gonna have some fun when you get home!

Survival Workout: 60 minutes. Rake duration: 90 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 1000-150 for SW and 80 bpm raking.
Calories burned during workout: 600 for SW and 450 raking.

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