Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hiking and biking...

Sunday, June 30, 2013
I was dressed and ready to ride at 8 a.m. when Holly asked me if I’d like to go to the park for a hike.  I never say no to her requests, though I was thinking that I couldn’t afford to miss another day of riding.  We did an hour hike; something I truly need to do more, before heading for church. 

I spent the early afternoon with chores before finally getting back on the bike for the ride I had to do.  I managed my regular, 2-hour route through Waite Hill though I continued to feel generally fatigued.  I really notice it when I get out of the saddle to climb the numerous hills on the course.  I get up and try to power over them, but quickly find myself gasping and dropping back to the saddle.  I think it is a combination of not doing as much riding as I should lately and the change in humidity.  High humidity puts a huge demand on the cardiovascular and the heat regulating systems of the body and only with regular exposure, will it acclimatize.  Our summer has been warm, cool, and warm again and the humidity has felt pretty low.  My last three workouts however, have been in extreme humidity and my fluid loss has been extremely high.  I need a solid week of these conditions to truly get used to them.  Well…it’s July and the dog days of summer.  I suppose they’re just around the corner.

Hike duration:  70 minutes.  Bike duration:  Two hours and 5 minutes.
Training Heart Rate:  80 hiking and 120 bpm on the bike.
Calories burned during workout:  1750 hiking and  on the bike.

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