Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tough training day brings me closer to 'Adirondack' shape...

Saturday, July 18, 2015
I started the morning with breakfast at Kleifelds with my sister and then a walk around the farmer’s market in Willoughby.  I grabbed some peaches and listened to Cecilia speaking to former classmates who also knew LuAnn well and they spoke of her in near reverence.  She seems pretty special and I guess I’m lucky to have her in my circle of friends and the chance to share the Adirondacks with her.  I know she will be awe-struck and that alone will make the trip special.
I drove to Mimi’s after and began three of the hardest hours of work I’ve done in awhile.  The heat and humidity must have resembled a tropical rain forest.  Water was running off my face in torrents as I pulled weeds from her jungle, cut down dead bushes and small trees, scraped paint from the front of the house, and hauled debris into the woods.  I noticed poison ivy all around me and prayed I was careful enough to have avoided another outbreak. 
I drove home and took a cooling dip in Pat’s pool.  “I just set the pH and now you’ve messed it all up again,” he said.  He lives to balance the chemicals in the pool and I present challenges as great as global warming when I bring my sweat into play.  He should thank me.
Refreshed, I drove back to Chagrin Falls and spent three more hours on the deck and completed the staining of the rails and steps.  I stayed in the shade so as not to melt.  Once back home, I quickly changed into my riding clothes and jumped on the bike before I had the chance to convince myself it was too hot or that I’d already done enough.  I vowed to ride easy, but planned to put in at least two hours and did.  I went through the hills of Waite Hill and rode back by way of Squire’s Castle so I could get in a little extra mileage and one more hill.  I finished two full water bottles on the ride and could have used a third.  My legs were still feeling the bleacher workout, but I could sense myself getting stronger and knew I’d be ready for some climbing in the Adirondacks.
I finished the night in front of the TV and tuned in the movie ‘Cake’ with Jennifer Aniston on Netflix.  She plays the part of a woman suffering from chronic pain and some major, tragic personal loss.  She is addicted to pain killers and is living alone in extreme depression and sadness.  At one point, she asks a man to just lie down with her during the night while she sleeps because she misses that simple, human intimacy of being close to another person.  I get that.  There are people who can be alone all the time and prefer it.  She was one of them.  I believe I am, as well.
Finally, I'd like to say hello to my cousin Donnie who I know will be reading this at some point.  He was in a serious motorcycle accident two days ago and is recovering.  He always joins me in the Adirondacks for a meal at Noonmark and the opportunity to see good looking women in spandex.  Sometimes he actually hikes with me, too.  He is my closest friend and like a brother and I pray for his full recovery.  See you soon, Hemi.
Bike duration:  Two hours and 15 minutes.
Training Heart Rate:  120 bpm.

Calories burned during workout:  1900.

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