Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A decent run...

Thursday, December 13, 2012
I’d been putting it off for some time, but I needed to get in a run.  I had an electrician coming to the house and didn’t have a lot of time, which made running even more ideal.  It is still the most intensive thing I do and I know I burn more calories and work harder in a run than I do in any other activity for the same period of time. 

I started slowly waiting and wondering about my achilles and whether it would hurt.  It wasn’t too uncomfortable, so I picked up the pace as I wound up the bridle trail from River Road to the top of ridge line that defines the park.  I like to get this steep hill out of the way at the beginning of a run rather than having to deal with it when I’m fatigued from running.  It was a grey day and nearly dark, which meant I had the park mostly to myself.  I headed off-trail for a portion that took me down to the marsh, which makes any run worth the effort.  Water fowl are still abundant there and I look forward to any opportunity to spot an eagle cruising the skies above.  There were none this day.

The hidden trail brought me back to River Road and I finished the last mile partially on pavement.  I hurried home to shower and meet the electrician who, for the second time in three days, did not come at the appointed hour.  I had a good soreness from the run; a tired fatigue that comes from using muscles that have lain dormant for a period of time.  I’ve been doing some sprinting during the Survival Workout and though my legs are strong, they’re not used to the pounding of a 40-minute run.   I’d like to think I’ll do more running and it is convenient, but any chance I have to ride outside, I will.  A couple of runs a week though, are all it takes.

Run Duration:  40 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 140 bpm.
Calories burned during workout: 700.

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