Sunday, February 12, 2012

Back inside...

Thursday, February 9, 2012
As I exited the car for a Survival Workout, I noticed how sore my hips were from yesterday’s hour-plus run.  Running brings on the aches like no other activity I do…and particularly when I do them too long.  It tends to put a damper on my interest in working out, and this day was no exception.  I decided it would be a better day for a deer antler hike and then a ride on the trainer was back home.

I started by heading off-trail and soon found myself nose to the ground doing a set of push-ups.  I struggled but reached 100 again and then found a downed log from which I could do my dips.  I didn’t want to completely abandon the Survival Workout.  There was no sign of antlers and little sign of the deer herd.  I was on a ridge they bedded down on often…I could see where they’d been a few nights earlier, but there was no telltale droppings and I wondered if the recent culling had them relocating to another area.  If people were shooting at me…I’d move.  I made my way to Snowman’s Ridge and sat quietly on a bluff high over the marsh and watched for my eagles and beaver activity, but could only make out the ducks and geese on the water.  I’d sat quietly for 15-20 minutes when I realized I’d been still long enough that the birds were now all around me.  Human noise scares them off, but they’ll return if you give them time.  I held out my hand, but was unable to get any chickadees to light.

I made my way back to the car and home for a turn on the trainer.  It’s been some time since I’ve had to do this and I kind of missed the Everest series.  I managed another couple of episodes which helped me through 90 minutes of riding…something I could never do without the distraction of AV.  The forecast says I’ll be inside on the trainer for the next few days, but maybe I’ll get some good exercise moving snow.  I’ll have that going for me.

Bike Duration:  90 minutes.  Hike Duration: 30 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 120 biking and 80 hiking.
Calories burned during workout: 1250 biking and 150 hiking.

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