Friday, February 22, 2013

An easy, cold hike...

Thursday, February 21, 2013
I decided that I’d take the night off from vigorous exercise, but not from recreational activity.  I loaded Dakota in the car and headed for the park and another hike in search of deer antlers, mild exercise, and serenity.  I managed two out of three.

There is a light covering of snow on the ground and if any antlers have fallen, they’ll be hard to spot.  Whenever I am hunting them though, I find myself off-trail and in parts of the park that only wildlife travels.  It makes the going tougher since I’m constantly climbing over and through dense underbrush, but I get to see parts of the park I never would otherwise.  Dakota likes it better because she has more opportunities to chase squirrels and explore and it’s always more quiet since no other hikers are around.  While I was hiking, Holly called.

“It’s really cold outside.  I was thinking of going to the park, but ‘no way’,” she said.

“It’s not so bad.  Dakota and I are enjoying it,” I said, but with difficulty since my mouth was getting kind of numb.

As I continued my hike, I realized just how right she was.  My hands were getting cold and my face felt like I’d been shot with Novocain.   As we crossed into an area near the river that I’d never hiked before, I started thinking about the best way back to the car since even my feet were getting cold with dark approaching.  We made our way back through some dense thickets of briars and when we finally climbed into the car, Dakota was caked in ice and her paws were clearly bothering her. 

It was just one of those wet colds that seems to cut through you no matter what you’re wearing.  Once home, I took a hot shower and quickly regained feeling in my hands and toes.  I decided against time on the bike for which my legs thanked me.  Not really a workout, but not inactive either.  I’ll take it.

Hike duration:  60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate:  90 bpm.
Calories burned during workout:  350.

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