Monday, December 31, 2012
Things happen in our lives for a reason. Sometimes they are quite unpleasant and they force us out of our comfort zones and to do things that we’d otherwise choose to ignore. Exercise and fitness can be all-encompassing for me to the exclusion of more important things in my life…things I tend to take for granted at times. I spent a day with my life partner discussing balance, commitment, and the paths we choose to follow. I think I will give fuller consideration to the choices I make and how they impact the ones I love as I move into 2013.
Holly and I found ourselves on a long drive through Amish country and I again marveled at the simplicity of the lives these people lead. As a bike rider, I also marveled at their courage in taking to the road with their buggies when cars are whistling by at 60+ mph. Like me on my bike, I think they try to stay off the high speed state routes, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. I am reminded how easily they would be to clip as I crest a rise in the road and am surprised to find a buggy dead ahead. Buggies and bike riders try to safely share these roads with the almighty auto. It’s a scary proposition at times.
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