Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The party host...

Saturday, January 26, 2013
Holly had left for a business trip to San Diego at 6 a.m. and now I was on my own for a dinner party.  It was mostly family and I was making spaghetti…something I do with regularity and excellence (how tough can it be?), so I wasn’t too worried.  I did have to do some grocery shopping, clean the house and make sure I had all the things we’d need to serve and eat the meal.  I figured I was up to it.

I put the sauce on to cook and headed to the grocery store.  When I returned and cleaned up the place, I called Jason to let him know he should call me when they were on the way over and I’d throw the noodles in the water.

“I figured 1:30 p.m., like you told us,” he said.  And he was right about that…but people do tend to run a little late in our family.  Then I heard his girlfriend, Theresa, mumbling something in the background.  It sounded something like ‘be there at 12:45.

“Um…Theresa says her parents will be there at 12:45,” he repeated.

“Okay…that’s in about 20 minutes…when was it you were going to call me and let me know again?” I asked.

“Yeah…well…um…I wasn’t?” he said.  He can’t lie.

I’d never met Theresa’s parents and that was no big deal.  I didn’t have things quite ready and the house still needed some work, which was also no big deal.  I hung up and ratcheted up my efforts, though.

They arrived 45 minutes early…as I’d been warned…and I reveled them with stories of my accomplishments until Jason and Theresa arrived.  When Jack and my father-in-law were added to the mix, I was making dinner for seven people.  It went off without a hitch since Theresa and her mom brought the salad, dressings, dessert and bread leaving me little to screw up.  They loved the sauce and when they asked about it, I warned them that I didn’t want to have to kill them by telling them my secret.

“Ragu in a jar,” Jason volunteered.

“Well…sure…but I add lots of stuff to it to make it special,” I said.

“Brown sugar,” he said.

“Yeah…that…and, um, other stuff that I, um, can’t …you know…” I said.

After my clean-up and more about my ‘Tour Ohio’, I noticed Theresa’s mom yawning and then head bobbing.  Normally I wouldn’t let that stop me, but I knew they needed to get on the road so I shut up.  Once they left, I began the process of refinishing the kitchen table.  It’s loaded with scratches which drive Holly crazy and I’d decided I’d refinish it as a surprise while she was traveling (she won’t read this while she’s traveling).  It took four hours of sanding and stripping before I could put my first coat on it and by the time I was done, was in no mood to ride the trainer.  I plopped down to watch a movie and had some left-over spaghetti.  Ah yes…worthless and weak again.

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