Saturday, January 5, 2013

Season's first double...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013
I arrived at the park for a Survival Workout to find the trails hard packed and icy in the well-traveled sections…which is where I do the majority of the workout.  I’ve been having some pain in my left knee lately when working out and particularly when I slip and it jerks to correct.  I decided I should avoid my lower body exercises and make it up with a ride when I returned home.  As a result, I did only 13 different exercices though I managed one sprint through a field of deep snow.  I really need to remember that snow is cold and when it falls from rocks lifted overhead and into your workout clothing, it can have a rather shocking effect on your ability to hold onto it.  I think I’ll start brushing them off in the future.

I retunred home with an excellent upper body pump and climbed on the bike for a one-hour ride.  The snow has been on the ground for a couple of weeks now and already cabin fever is setting in.  Last winter was so mild that I’d found myself able to ride several days in January.  I think my brain felt that would be happening again and was not just a once in a lifetime abberation, making my patience non-existant.  The river is likely frozen over now too, so kayaking may have to wait as well.  I love the winter…I hate the winter.

Survival Workout: 60 minutes. Bike duration: 60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate: 100-150 for SW and 120 bpm biking.
Calories burned during workout: 600 for SW and 850 biking.

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