Friday, April 5, 2013

First cook-out and a long ride...yeah.

Thursday, April 4, 2013
My elbow was still sore from doing the extra exercises two days ago and though it was a Survival Workout day, this offered me the excuse to bag it and ride.  And what a day for riding!  It was 50 degrees and sunny and though my right calf continues to feel stiff, I figured I’d ride easier gears and not try to push so hard as I climbed hills.  I was really getting tired of missing workouts to injuries, which often has me doing stupid things, but I thought this was a sensible approach.

I rode a moderate pace for a little over two hours though my calf started to protest towards the end.  I knew I’d have to do it all again the next day since I needed to ride out to Chardon to pick up the Jeep and the pressure sprayer I’d need on Saturday to clean the algae from Mimi’s deck and walks.  That would be uphill and I’d take the long route, so another two hours, but I still felt if I took it easy, it was doable.

I returned home to a rejuvenated Dakota.  She’d spent an evening at the Vet’s where they’d treated her for dehydration while looking for the cause of her symptoms.  Finding none, she came home with some special food, which I gave her and she gobbled up.  Holly pleaded with me not to take her to the park,  but we did head out back to chase some tennis balls.  She seemed to be doing fine.

Holly suggested a trip to Heinen’s and a little shopping for dinner.  I’d thought that meant we’d eat something healthy and fresh, but we ended up with burgers which I cooked on the grill for the season’s first cook-out.  I made some baked beans as a side dish…a perfect combination of fatty and gaseous food for a person with stomach issues.  In fact, I’ve been good for five days now and maybe it’s the Kefir kicking in.  I do have the name of a stomach doc and will be going to visit him if my stomach issues return.  For sure, this time.

Bike duration:  Two hours and 10 minutes.
Training Heart Rate:  120 bpm.
Calories burned during workout:  1825.

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