Monday, April 22, 2013


Friday, April 19, 2013

When someone close dies in my family, as with most folks I suppose, normal routines get tossed out the window.  I headed into work in the morning because I had appointments that would be difficult to cancel on short notice, but finished up and made myself available to my family after that.  Savannah was home and would be through the funeral and she had wanted to take me to the new Jackie Robinson movie, ‘42’, for my birthday, so we decided to hit the afternoon matinee.

I have put few public figures on pedestals in my lifetime, but along with Abraham Lincoln, no one rises higher than Jackie Robinson in my estimation.  It was for this reason that my son Jackson goes by the name ‘Jackie’.  I have always admired him for the adversity he faced and the dignity with which he did it.  He suffered terribly but nobly because he knew what he was doing was bigger than him and he had to stay the course.  The movie does a wonderful job of portraying this, and the actor was spectacular in the role.  I highly recommend the movie to people who need role models or want to understand the nature of a true American hero.

We left the theatre and went to Michael’s to find the things we would need to create story boards for my mother-in-law’s funeral service.  Holly had asked me if I would be willing to do the eulogy and I said that I’d do anything she wanted, but when she called to tell me that her mom had written into her funeral request papers that she wanted me to do the eulogy for her, tears sprang to my eyes and I became too choked up to speak.  Though I have done many eulogies, it seems to be my specialty, this was the first time anyone had ever actually requested it themselves…and in writing.  It truly humbled me and I hope I will not disappoint her and her loved ones.

I never even tried to get in a workout.  I could have and would have if Savannah had wanted to head to the park, but it never panned out.  I suspect the next several days will be a struggle, but some things trump working out.

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