Monday, March 25, 2013

A workout and dinner at Bob Evans...

Friday, March 22, 2013

I headed to the park for a Survival Workout feeling pretty good.  It had been 48 hours without pain and I wanted to celebrate.  I hit the workout with gusto and did both upper and lower body exercises finishing with 21 different sets.  I got an excellent pump and was reasonably exhausted by the end.  When I returned home, Holly suggested we take Jack out to celebrate his getting his license.  When we asked him where he’d like to go, he picked a swanky, upscale place known as Bob Evans.

I love Bob Evans.  They always serve a good meal…particularly breakfast…and it is the only chain I visit frequently.  Jack loves it and ordered mashed potatoes and gravy, French fries, a burger and chocolate milk.  He meets the dietary guidelines for fat for a month in one meal.  I used to be able to get away with that, too, but my stomach was suddenly acting up and I went with the fruit plate when what I wanted was a cheese omelet.  The fruit was good though, and the service was excellent.  Jack actually ate everything and was still hungry when we returned home.  I, on the other hand, headed for the sofa.  My stomach feels best when I’m lying down and I talked Jack into watching ‘The Book of Eli’ with Denzel Washington.  I’d been telling him he’d like the movie since getting and seeing it for Christmas, but he always had something else to do.  He loved it, as I knew he would and I enjoyed it for the second time and continue to recommend it.

Survival Workout:  60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate:  100-150 bpm.
Calories burned:  600.

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