Monday, March 4, 2013

Smoked pork shoulder and a great workout...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I made it to the park with limited time for a workout since I had a business meeting to attend, but still managed to get in a killer by doing 24 stations in less than an hour.  I’m getting closer to normal with the groin and although I elected not to do any sprinting, did manage 6 lower body exercises that left me panting and exhausted…the best kind of workout.

I met with Marla, former editor of ‘Ohio Sports and Fitness’ and Joe Bauer, another avid cyclist and writer, to put together a business plan for starting a new magazine that would be both print and web-based.  It was our second meeting and we are determined to make it fly.  The mission of the magazine will be all about bringing information to Ohio residents about recreation and fitness and how they can access the many and varied opportunities offered throughout the state. 

I went back to Marla’s after the meeting and walked into the house to the overpowering aroma of meat cooking in a smoker.  Marla’s husband Nick was slow cooking a pork shoulder and asked me if I’d like some.  I was drooling noticeably, so I suppose there was little doubt about my answer.  He cut me a large piece which I consumed like a starving wolf.

“That is outstanding,” I said, reaching for another piece.  He did me one better and cut about a pound and wrapped it in some foil for me to take home.  It failed to reach that destination and when I did get home, stuffed with pork shoulder, had to reply to Holly that I really wasn’t hungry when she asked about dinner.

“Had a little smoked pork at Marla’s,” I confessed.

She was packing for her trip to Hawaii and finishing last minute tasks for clients, so it worked for her.  I did make a smoothie though, and that was more than enough for the night and kept me totally Paleo for the day.

Survival Workout:  60 minutes
Training Heart Rate:  100-150 bpm.
Calories burned:  600.

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