Thursday, March 7, 2013

Finishing the 'Baseball' documentary...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Don was scheduled to come over for the final episode of the Baseball documentary by Ken Burns.  We would be watching the modern/steroid era and eating spaghetti, garlic bread and drinking smoothies.  I tend to eat too much when we have these nights, so I made my way to the Metropark with the intention of doing the Survival Workout to be followed by an hour on the trainer.

The Survival Workout went well.  I’d been struggling with it over the past several weeks, having difficulty getting to 80 push-ups and just feeling lethargic.  I’d decided to give it a couple of days off and was pleased when I was able to notch 85 reps on my first set.  I have been incorporating lower body jumps and hops back into the routine, but continue to shy away from the sprints.  I’m waiting for the lower abs/groin area to be pain-free before returning to those.  I managed 24 stations before returning to the car, which is a very good workout for me.

Once home, I quickly changed and mounted the trainer since I didn’t want to give myself a chance to back out of the double.  I managed an hour before needing to get in the shower and put the final touches on the dinner.  Don would likely run late…usually 30 minutes…and when he arrived at eight for our seven o’clock scheduled meeting time, I wasn’t surprised.

We finished the episode and talked about what we’d have to watch next.  The Baseball series had taken over a year to finish and since we liked meeting, eating, and talking baseball, didn’t want it to end.  We decided we’d start watching baseball movies…good and bad…and starting with what we both considered the best one ever made, ‘Field of Dreams’ with Kevin Costner. 

Survival Workout:  60 minutes.  Bike duration:  60 minutes.
Training Heart Rate:  100-150 bpm for  SW and 120 bpm on the bike.
Calories burned during workout:  600 for SW and 850 on the bike.

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