Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Plan and prepare...

Monday, August 19, 2013
I knew I had a lot planned for the evening, but somewhere in the back of my mind I thought I’d get in a hike or a bike ride.  It was not to be.

Holly needs a new vehicle and so we returned to the Honda dealer, looking at used CRV’s, but again failing to pull the trigger.  We went from there to a birthday party at ‘The Local Tavern’ where I ordered a diet coke.  I’d eaten earlier, having had two more cheeseburgers, and decided against further dining.  Then Holly’s basket of fries, smothered in some kind of mushroom sauce, arrived.  She didn’t really offer me any, though I didn’t let that stop me from eating half the order.

We returned home where I could have done a walk in the neighborhood or spend time refining my cycling course and transferring it to the Ohio Atlas and Gazetteer I’d be carrying in the van for daily updates of where we were going.  I decided wisely that I needed to do more planning and spent two hours poring over choices I’d made and where I’d be camping.  It’s rather nerve racking since so much will remain in the air.  I don’t know how far I’ll get in a day and trying to determine that so we know where to dump the support van is an issue.  I may just leave it short of our destination and when we pass it, one of my partners can drive it to the nearest campsite.  We’ll see…

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